All fruits grow above ground. Only the roots are in the soil.

Which fruits and vegetables grow above ground?

All fruits grow above ground. All the leaf vegetable i.e. spinach lettuce etc. grow above ground. In all cases the roots are underground.

Does a date grow above or below the ground?

Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) are the fruits of the Date Palm trees, and are above ground.

Is a tomato a fruit or a vegteble?

a growing fruit trees indoors uk, cuz fruits have seeds and they grow above the ground

What kind of fruits and veggies grows above the ground?

All fruit grows above ground, root vegetables grow underground. The most common vegetables to grow above ground are green leafed vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce and vine vegetables such as Runner Beans.

How are potatoes and sweet potatoes grow in the field?

Both are plants that have leaves and stems above ground, but the fruits (tubers) grow underground. To harvest them you dig them up.

Does cabbage grow above ground or under ground?

Cabbages grow above ground

Strawberries grow above the ground?

Yes they grow above the ground.

Does parsley grow in the ground or above ground?

Parsley is a herb, the roots grow in soil, the stalks and leaves grow above ground, the parts of the plant we used as a herb all grow above ground.

Do tomato’s grow above or below ground?

They grow above ground. It is a stem plant.

Do sunflower seeds grow under or above ground?

sunflowers grow above ground .

Do cashwes grow above or under ground?

They grow above the ground. On a tree. Have a look at Wikipedia.

Do mushrooms grow above ground?

Mushrooms grow above and below ground and on trees etc. Most of the cultivated edible mushrooms grow above ground; some on trees or logs. Truffles grow underground.

Do pumpkins grow in the ground?

No. They grow above ground on vines.

How do you grow fruits?

put a seed in the ground

Do peanuts grow above or under ground?

well everyone should know that peanuts grow above ground!!!!!! No, because then they know something that wasn’t true. Only their leaves grow above ground.

Dose squash grow above ground or below ground?

it grows above ground

How does cotton grow underground or above ground?

It grows above ground.

Does squash grow underground?

no it grown above ground (above ground)

What is the difference between fruits and vegatables?

vegetables grow from the ground fruits grows from trees

Does a pumpkin grow above or below the ground?

A pumpkin grows above the ground. A pumpkin grows above the ground.

What fruits have seeds and grow under ground?


What winter fruits grow in the ground?

grapes cabbage

Which fruit grow on the ground?

Varieties of squash. (Botanically a fruit) Strawberries and rhubarb All fruits roots grow in the ground, strawberries are the only one to grow and ripen on the ground.

Does lettuce grow above ground or under ground or inside a pod?

it grows above ground

Do cabbage grow above or below ground?

Cabbage grows above ground.

What fruits does not grow on trees grapes apple avocado or cherry?

An avocado does not grow out of the ground

Do tubers grow underground or above ground?

to my knowledge; yes; they grow underground; but some tubers also grow above the ground in some poor places

Is peanut above ground root?

Yes, peanuts grow above the ground – unlike potatoes which grow beneath the surface of the soil.

Do pineapples grow below the ground?

Above the ground

Is grapes grown in the ground?

no they grow above ground.

Do potatoes grow above ground?

No. They grow underground.

Do capsicums grow above or under ground?

The fruit of the Capsicum grows above ground.

What is considered a fruit and what is considered a vegetable?

fruits grow in trees or vines vegetables grow in ground

What vegetable grow above ground?

Most vegetables grow above ground. Some are: tomatoes squash okra peas beans broccoli cauliflower peppers corn spinach lettuce Some that don’t grow above ground are carrots, turnips, potatoes.

Do vegetables grow underground and fruit above ground?

Not always. There are vegetables like peas that grow above ground. I am not sure of any fruit that grows below ground but who knows……

Do oats grow above or below ground?

Above ground as the oat plant is like wheat.

Does a celery grow in the ground above or on a vine?

Celery grows above ground. Hope I helped.

Do beets grow above or under ground?

Below ground.

Do soybeans grow underground?

no, they grow on stalks above the ground.

What does pineapples grown on?

they grow under ground They grow on little shrubs ABOVE ground. They don’t grow on trees either.

Does broccoli grow above or below?

Above ground. It is a flower.

Do eggplants grow above ground or below ground?

Above ground. The plant blooms, and an eggplant grows from the blossom after pollination.

Does a garden bean grow underground?

The bean is planted underground this grows roots below ground and a stem above ground, new beans will eventually grow on the stem above ground.

Does cabbage grow on top of the ground?

YES ! The edible part of the cabbage, the leaves grow above ground, but the roots are below ground.

Does celery grow above ground?

yes celery does grow above ground. you can mound dirt or mulch at the base to get that nice blanched white area at the base

Do potatoes grow above the soil?

The potato tubers (potatoes) grow below the ground, but most of the potato plant (leaves etc.) grows above ground.

Does swede grow above ground or below ground?

A Swede grows below ground.

What fruits grow on ground?

strawberry tomato pumpkin melon cucumber zucchini

How are fruits grown?

Fruits are grow mainly on trees. Apples, peaches, banana’s, oranges, pears etc. Others grow in the ground, or on vines. But it starts with the seeds, water and sunlight.

Why do mushrooms grow above ground?

Mushrooms do generally grow above ground, usually because they grow with the help of fecal matter. However, some mushrooms, referred to as “Truffles,” grow underground. I don’t know why they do, but pigs can sniff them out.


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