most fruits grow on a woody plant

What fruits grow in Singapore?

Most of the fruits in Singapore are imported.

Where are most fruits and vegetables grown?

Most fruits and vegetables are grow in farms and gardens

Fruits that grow in sandy soil?

Usually what fruits grow in sandy soil is most tropical fruits such as bananas and pineapples also coconuts.

What fruits grow in Hawaii?

Almost all fruits grow there. Mainly tropical fruits like pineapple, guavas, mangoes, bananas, papayas, citrus… Not all fruits grow there, mainly tropical fruits like the pineapple, which is most common. Pineapples grow there because of the abundance of sunshine and tropical climate. Hawaii is the only state in the U.S.A that manufactures the most pineapples. I hope that answers your question! 😉

What do most people do for living in India?

They grow food and they sell it to people there who need veggies and fruits….and most of the time they eat their own veggies and fruits they grow themselves

What do most people in India do for a living?

They grow food and they sell it to people there who need veggies and fruits….and most of the time they eat their own veggies and fruits they grow themselves 🙂 ♥

What are non tree fruits?

non-tree fruits most likely means fruits that don’t grow on trees, like strawberrys

What fruit grows in a dessert?

No fruits grow in a dessert, but most are used in desserts. Fruits that grow in a desert are figs, dates, most citrus, pomegranate. Most any plant that can tolerate the heat, and receives enough water (typically via irrigation) can grow in the desert.

Where are orange trees found?

Most of them grow in Florida or other countries where they can grow citrus fruits.

Which fruits do not grow on trees?

Melons grow on vines rather than on trees, and berries grow on bushes or herbaceous plants.

What fruits grow the fastest?

Strawberry Cucurbit fruits grow fastest

Which fruits grow in mud?

the fruits that grow in mud are strawberries and swiss chard.

Do fruits and plants grow on the kapok tree?

Fruits do not grow on the kapok tree

How do they determine a fruit from a vegetable?

Fruits have seeds and most of them grow on trees. Vegetables do not have seeds and usually grow on bushes or small plants.

Which fruits grow best in new south wales?

Depending on the region of New South Wales, the most common fruits are apples, pears, citrus fruits, grapes, stonefruit and cherries.

What can you grow?

You can grow fruits and vegetables.

Do all fruits grow in trees?

No, some other fruits like strawberries grow from a plant.

Which fruits and flowers grow during spring season in Pakistan?

I think jasmine grows the most

Is a fruit a natural object?

Most fruits are because they can grow without the help of humans, however, some fruits like banana’s are human made and it is not natural.

What fruits grow in Italy?

Olives and citrus fruits

What fruits grow in the northeast region?

The fruits that grow in the Northeast region are apples, strawberries, peaches, cranberries.

What fruits grow above ground?

All fruits grow above ground. Only the roots are in the soil.

How do dragon fruits grow?

it grow by planting

Does the rafflesia grow berries?

No, they grow fruits.

Which fruits grow on creepers?

The kinds of fruits that grow on creepers are passion fruit and grapes. Strawberries, watermelons and pumpkins also grow on creepers.

What fruits grow naturally in Cameroon?

There are many fruits that grow naturally in Cameroon. Some of these fruits include pineapple, papaya, banana, fig, mango, and avocado.

What fruits grow on creeprs?

Creepers? You mean vines? Passionfruit and tomatoes are both fruits that grow n vines.

What fruits do Poland grow?

they grow water melons

What do seedlings grow into?

i think they grow into plants or fruits

What fruits grow in Iceland?

There are no wild fruits growing in Iceland but fruits can be grown in greenhousess in Iceland

Most eaten fruits in ca?

oranges … hence orange county perhaps? or perhaps strawberries, we grow alot of them

Why are most plants that grow fruits trees?

Fruit producing trees are successful in the dispersal of their seeds by several agencies.

Do bannanas grow from the ground?

Banana plants grow from the ground (like most plants) but the Banana fruits grown out of the top of the plants and hang down from there in large stems.

Do shrubs grow fruits?

Yes, some shrubs grow fruits. For example Redcurrant and Blackcurrant are shrubs that grow 1m to 1.30m tall and produce edible fruits. Ornamental shrubs such as Rhododendrons produce wonderful flowers. After some time, the flowers transform into fruits capsules, but those are not edible.

What layer in the rainforest do the fruits grow on?

They grow in the canopy layer

What fruits grow in the rainforest?

Many fruits are in the rainforest. most popular ones are dragon fruit, durian, banana coconut , papaya, kiwi , pineapple , mango and oranges !! Hope you liked me answer ! Tnx =)

How do cactus grow fruits?

they must have flowers first,then the flowers turn into fruits.

How does penicillin grow?

penicillin grows on fruits that are bruised. Mainly citrus fruits

What kinds of fruit grow on trees with seeds in them?

tropical fruits and citric fruits.

Which fruits and vegetables grow in summer?

There are actually quite a few fruits and vegetables that grow in summer. Some of them would be, okra, onions and peaches.

Do fruits grow passion fruit in pots from the ovary of the pistil?

Fruits grow from the ovary of the pistil. The pistil is the female organ of a plant and the ovary is the one that matures into a fruit

How do you explain how fruits and seeds form from flowers?

After pollination, fertilization takes place. then the ovaries grow into fruits and ovules grow into seeds. That Is All.

Why do fruits produce seeds?

Fruits produce seeds so that they can grow new plants and create more fruits.

What fruits and vegetables grow on the vine?

Grapes and tomatoes grow on a vine.

Which fruits and vegetables grow on a vine?

Grapes and tomatoes grow on a vine.

Where do fruits grow in the world?

In the antartica

Which of these fruits does not grow on a tree?


Where do fruits grow in khartoum?

in my backyard

How do you cook fruits?

you dont you grow them

What fruits grow in winter?

There are quite a few fruits that grow in the winter season. Some of these include kumquats, apples, rambutans, star fruit, and persimmons.


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