(CBS) Anderson Cooper has triumphed over Conan O’Brien in a battle over the best hair on TV.

The silver-haired CNN anchor 온라인바둑이 and the redhead late-night TV host faced off in a Facebook poll conducted by Pert Plus, which spilled over onto TV and Twitter.

On Aug. 22, Cooper tweeted, ” Damn you @ConanOBrien, your ginger wave is #1. I’ll take #2, I guess.”

O’Brien responded: “Sorry @AndersonCooper, but as long as there is blood in my scalp, my hair shall defeat yours. (Maniacal laughter)”

Cooper then brought the battle to “AC360” last week, putting O’Brien’s “demon follicles” on the show’s “RidicuList” segment. By then, the CNN host noted, the rankings in the poll had turned from a “crimson tide” to a “silver wave.” (Watch the video below.)

The final results were announced Thursday. Cooper came in first place with 632 votes, while O’Brien earned 494 votes. Others in the poll included Fabio (27 votes), Ashton Kutcher (21 votes) and Mario Lopez (6 votes).

Tell us: Who has the best hair on TV?