A group of 10 governors, including Republicans, is urging the Senate to reject a proposal for a so-called “skinny repeal” of Obamacare.

\uc57c\ub3d9 \ucd9c\uc7a5\ub9c8\uc0ac\uc9c0 \ucd9c\uc7a5\uc548\ub9c8 \ub0a8\uc131\uc804\uc6a9\ucd9c\uc7a5\ub9c8\uc0ac\uc9c0 \ucd5c\uace0 \uc778\uae30 ...“The Senate should also reject efforts to amend the bill into a ‘skinny repeal,’ which is expected to accelerate health plans leaving the individual market, increase premiums, and result in fewer Americans having access to coverage,” they said in a letter Wednesday to Senate leaders.

The Republican governors who signed the letter are:

The following Democratic governors also signed it:

They are urging Senate Republicans to set aside the House-passed health care bill under consideration in the upper chamber, which they call “flawed,” and they call for bipartisan negotiations and to work directly with governors. The governors’ positions could be a major factor in how senators from their states would vote this week.

“True, lasting reforms can only be achieved in an open, bipartisan fashion,” they said.

Congress should be working to stabilize the insurance market and make insurance more affordable, argued the governors, who said that the proposals pending in the Senate don’t fulfill those goals.

“The bill still threatens coverage for millions of hardworking, middle class Americans. The bill’s Medicaid provisions shift costs to states and fail to provide the necessary resources to ensure that no one is left out, including the working poor or those suffering from mental illness or addiction,” they said.

Two major proposals to dismantle the 2010 health care law failed in the Senate Tuesday and Wednesday. One would have repealed and replace Obamacare, known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) and the other would have delivered a partial repeal of Obamacare, delayed for two years to come up with a replacement.

Senate Republicans are now talking about a “skinny repeal,” which could repeal the individual and employer mandates as well as the medical device tax. They were still debating on Wednesday, 화성출장샵 however, what provisions could be wrapped in. They are aiming to include items that would qualify for a simple majority vote.