Updated: 3:05 a.m. EST

UNITED NATIONS The United States and China have reached agreement on a new sanctions resolution to punish North Korea for its latest nuclear test, U.N. diplomats told The Associated Press late Monday.

The agreement is seen as a sign of Beijing’s disapproval of Pyongyang’s behavior and will be welcomed in Washington.

It comes as U.S. lawmakers push for tougher U.S. financial restrictions on North Korea.

The U.N. Security Council announced late Monday evening that it will hold closed consultations on North Korea and non-proliferation on Tuesday.

The diplomats, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity because no official announcement has been made, said the United States is expected to circulate a draft resolution to the full council at the meeting. Council members are then expected to send the draft to their capitals for 광명출장샵 review.

U.N. diplomats told the Reuters news agency they hope the council will vote on the resolution by the end of this week.

“I hope to see a draft (Tuesday) perhaps, but you know, it’s up to the Americans,” a diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

All 15 council members approved a press statement condemning Pyongyang’s nuclear test and pledging further action hours after North Korea carried out its third atomic blast Feb. 12.

The swift and unanimous response from the U.N.’s most powerful body set the stage for a fourth round of sanctions against Pyongyang.

South Korea wanted the U.N. resolution to pass in February, when it held the Security Council presidency, CBS News’ Pamela Falk reports from the U.N., “but a compromise proved difficult, and there still may be changes that dilute the draft when it goes to all the nations’ leadership.”