When Catherine Middleton, future queen of England, arrived at Westminster Abbey for the biggest day of her life, she probably never imagined all eyes would be on her little sister, Pippa. 

青松松韶古宅(<strong>40<\/strong>22 2221 7952)   观光” style=”max-width:400px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;”>Complete Coverage: The Royal Wedding </p>
<p>“The instant we saw her pick up Kate’s train, suddenly, the world took a collective gasp and needed to sort of know more about Kate’s beautiful younger sister,” Suzanne Zuckerman, a staff writer for People magazine, said. </p>
<p>Pippa Middleton’s maid of honor dress can be yours for $277 </p>
<p>One royal wedding watcher said on the day, “This is the most gorgeous family, the Middleton family — I mean, they really are stunning.”  </p>
<p>Pippa Middleton in the spotlight on TV specialPippa Middleton next to find Prince Charming? </p>
<p>Within hours after her appearance at the royal wedding, a Facebook page honoring Pippa’s posterior was online,  <A HREF='https://www.hamankranma.xyz/'>함안출장마사지</A> attracting 40,000 fans. Pippa mania was officially under way. </p>
<p>Overnight, the 27-year old socialite went from bridesmaid to what Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper calls “the world’s most eligible bachelorette.” </p>
<p>One man told CBS News, “She stole the show; she stole the <a href=attention from her sister.”

Another man said of Pippa’s look, “Classy, natural, elegant.”

Racy Pippa Middleton photo “embarrassing” for royal family

With a smile that lights up London and a figure that’s the envy of women everywhere, Pippa’s assets are attracting a lot of attention, says CBS News Royal Contributor Victoria Arbiter.

One woman said, “My fiance thinks she’s hot. I have to say, I’m a little jealous.”

Proving that imitation is truly the sincerest form of flattery, plastic surgeons on both sides of the pond are busy perfecting their Pippa-inspired looks.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Linda Li told CBS News, “I think Pippa Middleton has a wonderful physique. She has a very athletic-looking body, but at the same time there’s a roundness to her bottom that people like. … I can’t give them Pippa Middleton’s butt, but I can make their butts look a little bit better.”

Though she’s been dubbed “her royal hotness,” it’s not just her body that’s stealing the spotlight, for many, Pippa is the total package, Arbiter observes.

Pippa: England’s most eligible bachelorette?Pictures: Pippa Middleton, sister to royalty

Zuckerman said, “Pippa has fantastic style. We’re obsessed with what she wears, much like her older sister.”

While she constantly graces the covers of tabloids and is a favorite target of gossip websites, the world still can’t get enough.

Last night, the network TLC aired an hour-long documentary, proving that people really are, as the title suggests, “Crazy About Pippa.”

Zuckerman said, “She’s sort of more relatable in many ways to the average woman, because she’s got a job. We see her going to work every day. We’re interested in everything she wears, everyone she dates.”

So, yes, Arbiter remarked, big sister Catherine may have landed the prince, and someday the crown, but Pippa’s captured hearts across the globe. And, who knows, maybe she’ll get a fairytale ending of her own — perhaps with Prince Harry!