Attorney Gloria Allred, 보은출장샵 who represents 33 of the more than 60 women who are accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault, said she was “very surprised and shocked” after a jury convicted the comedian of drugging and molesting Andrea Constand. 

“Because first of all, the first criminal trial, the jury deadlocked. Secondly, it’s a very high burden of proof. Guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. And in the case of a celebrity who’s on trial, such as Mr. Cosby, sometimes jurors feel they need even more proof than beyond a reasonable doubt. Sometimes they feel they need it right up here, to a virtual certainty, which is not the law,” Allred said Friday on “CBS This Morning.” 

What made the difference, Allred said, was the court allowed five prior witnesses to testify. Three of her clients testified at the retrial.

“In the first trial, even though the prosecution asked the court to allow it, to put on 13 other accusers, prior bad act witnesses, court only allowed one,” Allred said. She said the five witnesses “were very strong.” 

Asked how much of the #MeToo movement on sexual assault had an impact on the retrial, Allred said she thought it had “some impact in the sense that women are now being believed in greater numbers.”

Cosby, who was could face up to 30 years in prison, will appeal the verdict in this retrial. He is free on bail. 

“Just because you’re going to appeal doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful on appeal. I think this judge was very fair to both sides,” Allred said. 

Allred said she thinks Cosby should “should serve time in custody.”

“He has hurt, he has damaged, he has changed the lives of so many of the — of his victims. I know he’s on trial for one, but, still, I think he needs to pay a price,” Allred said.