(CBS/AP) KABUL – NATO says three members of the Afghan national security forces have been killed in an attack at Bagram Air Field, 구례출장업소 a sprawling U.S. base north of Kabul.

\uc77c\ubcf8\uc5d0\uc11c \uc2e0\uc138\uacc4 \ud3c9\uc810 \u2013 Kl\u00e1ra Fialov\u00e1The coalition said Tuesday it has not yet confirmed whether the three were killed by rockets or mortar rounds that were fired at the base around late Monday night.

Gen. Akram Begzad, the police chief in Parwan province where the base is located, said a rocket was fired at the base from an undisclosed location. He says two Afghan intelligence employees were among those killed in the attack.

The attack also destroyed a Chinook helicopter belonging to the NATO-led forces. A NATO spokesperson tells CBS News two Western service personnel who were onboard the helicopter were wounded. The extent of their injuries was not given and their nationalities were withheld.

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Militants occasionally fire mortars or rockets at Bagram, but the attacks generally cause little or no damage.

The rocket or mortar attack came just hours after the U.S. military transferred control of the sprawling prison facility at Bagram to Afghan forces. As CBS News correspondent Charlie D’Agata reports, the transfer came with concerns, and some detainees will still be under U.S. watch.

Also on Tuesday, Afghan police said a suicide bomber blew himself up in western Afghanistan, killing five civilians.

Noor Khan Nikzad, a spokesman for the police chief in Herat province, said the Tuesday afternoon explosion in Kushki Kuhna district also wounded six civilians.

He said the target of the attack was a local community leader named Abdul Hakim. Hakim and the four other victims were killed when the bomber detonated his explosives after he walked into a shop.

Western Afghanistan is one of the more peaceful areas of the country but it has been the scene of a rising number of attacks in recent years.