Insulin is organic because the chemical formula for it is C256H381N65O79S6. It contains both Carbon and Hydrogen … therefore is organic.

What organic compound is insulin?

Insulin is a protein

What type of organic compound is insulin?

Insulin is a protein

Insulin is the process of what?

Insulin is not a process it is an organic compound, a hormone.

What is the formula of an organic compound?

What is the formula for insulin

Is galena organic or non-organic?

It is inorganic, or as you called it, non-organic

Where can you buy non organic bread?

NON- organic.. well EVERYWHERE. Non-organic is most of the breads.. If you want organic, go to Sobey’s wow… non-organic, really?

Is insulin a steroid or non steroid hormone?

Insulin is a protein hormone therefore it is a non-steroid hormone.

What is the type of organic compound for insulin?

i beleiove that the answer is vagina

Does organic food not last as long as non organic food?

Unless non-organic food contains preservatives, organic food should last as long as non-organic.

Which product is cheaper between organic and non organic products?

The non-organic ones.

Is acrylic paint organic or non organic?

Acrylic is a non- organic manufactured chemical.

Do organic bananas last longer that non-organic?

Yes! If you peel a non-organic and organic banana at the same time, you will find that the non-organic banana browns faster and looks less appetizing faster than the organic banana.

Do organic or non organic fruits rot faster?

Organic and non organic fruits would rot at the same or similar rate, unless the non organic fruit has been treated with something so it will not rot as quickly as the organic.

Why is organic food better than non-organic?

Organic food is better than non-organic because it contains more nutrients.

Why you have non organic food in the supermarkets?

Supermarkets have non-organic food because people buy it and most of the food grown is non-organic.

Does organic fruit last longer than non organic fruit?

There should be little difference in how long organic and non-organic fruits last unless the non-organic fruits have been treated with preservatives.

What is the meaning of ‘non-organic’?

non organic means that it is a processed food from factory or food that is not natural in substance or ingredients. non organic food examples are those can goods those curls and those meat that are already processed from factory. non organic are food that are not naturally grown.

What is the difference between insulin dependent diabetes and non insulin dependent diabetes?

Type 1 diabetics cannot produce their own insulin so depend on insulin shots, thus they have insulin dependent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is often referred to as non insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) due to the fact that in a lot of cases it can be dealt with without the need for regular insulin injections.

Does organic food last long as non organic?

If the food is fresh produce, there is little difference, if any, to how long organic and non-organic food will last. If it is processed food, additives and preservatives in non-organic foods will make them last longer than organic foods. So, the answer is processed non-organic foods are likely to last longer than organic processed foods because of preservatives added to the non-organic foods.

Type one diabetes is known as non-insulin dependent diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes mellitus – is insulin dependent and type 2 is the non-insulin dependent. See:

Why is organic food bad for you?

Organic food is not bad for you. Only non organic food is because non organic is produced with harmful chemicals.

Why would people rather have non organic food?

People often select non-organic foods because they cost less, not necessarily because they prefer non-organic instead of organic.

How many calories are in a organic restaurant meal?

Probably as many as in a ‘non-organic’ restaurants equivalent meal. ‘Organic’ refers to the method of production, you can have organic double cream that will be just as calorific as its non-organic counterpart. A diet of organic chips and organic chocolate cake and organic pizza will be just as unhealthy as a non-organic poor diet.

What are the benefits of selling both non-organic and organic foods?

The benefits of selling both non-organic and organic foods lie in the same shop attracting both those customers who want organic as well as those who prefer non-organic products.

What is the difference between organic and non organic?

Organic is all natural and made from the Earth. Non organic uses chemicals and man made products.

What is the difference between organic and non-organic products?

Organic products are produced without harmful chemicals and GMOs. Non-Organic products are.

What is the difference between organic and non-organic soil?

organic soil is made out of compost and non-organic soil has chemicals and stuff like that in it

Which is the most consumed by people organic or non-organic food?

Non organic foods are consumed more than organic, though interest in organic foods is growing.

What is another name for type 2 diabetes?

It is called non-insulin-dependent diabetes. The full term is “non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus” (NIDDM).

Difference between NON insulin dependent diabetes and insulin dependent diabetes?

Insulin dependent is type I diabetes, this means the pancreas either makes no insulin or not enough insulin. Insulin is an important hormone that controls the movement of glucose into the cells. People under type I will end up taking insulin. Non insulin dependent is type II diabetes, this means the pancreas is making insulin but the cells build up a resistance to the hormone. In essence you are still starving the cells from getting…

What is better organic or non organic?

organic who doesn’t know that

What is the difference between organic insomnia and non-organic insomnia?

Organic insomnia is caused by another medical condition. Non- organic is “free-standing”.

What are the non-organic ingredients present in organic baby foods?

If the baby food is not labeled “100% organic” some non-organic ingredients are allowed.

Do farmers grow organic and non-organic produce on the same farm?

No, farmers do not usually grow non-organic and organic produce on the same farm.

How is organic different to non-organic?

Organic foods are as limited as possible in inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. They also do not contain growth hormones. Non-organic foods may contain growth hormones and may have been treated with non-organic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

Differentiate organic and non-organic?

Organic foods are as limited as possible in inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. They also do not contain growth hormones. Non-organic foods may contain growth hormones and may have been treated with non-organic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

What will happen if a non diabetic takes insulin?

The insulin will stimulate the formation of glycogen, which will lower your blood sugar

What is in non-organic foods?

Non Organic foods are the opposite of Organic foods. Organic foods are produced without GMOs, artificial preservatives and pesticides, while Non Organic foods are grown and produced with GM-Os artificial preservatives and pesticides.

Does organic fruits rot faster than non organic fruits?

It depends on whether the non-organic fruits have been treated to make them have a longer shelf life. If they have not been, the organic fruits would not rot any faster than the non-organic.

What are 4 organic compounds?

There are a countless number of organic compounds, all of which contain carbon. Four such compounds are carbon dioxide, ethanol, insulin, and plastic.

Can organic food mold faster than non organic food?

yes because organic good generally has more water in it than non- organic food

Which is healthier organic or non organic apples?

Organic is because it has no chemicals.

Is organic milk healthier than regular milk?

Yes. First, non-organic milk may contain artificial hormones. Second, non-organic milk means that the animals were fed a non-organic diet, which, in turn, means that the chemicals in the food that they ate will be transferred into the milk. In fact, I never consume non-organic dairy if I have the option to choose organic.

Is non organic the same as natural?

No, non-organic is not the same as natural. Many people associate natural with organic, but they actually have no association at all.

What is non-organic?

A food that is non-organic is a food that is not derived from a living matter. For example, most candy is not considered organic. This is because it was not made from a plant, animal, or crop.

What is in non organic fertlilizer?

A non organic fertilizer is a synthetic fertilizer that has been produced by man.

What is a comparison between organic food and non organic food in structure and taste and which one is expensive?

Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

What is non-organic food?

Non organic food is any food that is not grown organically (without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides). Non-organic foods, even if labeled “natural,” can contain synthetic food coloring and additives, GMOs, etc. Even if foods are labeled “organic” they can contain 30% non-organic ingredients. In order for a food to be 100% organic, it must be labeled “100% organic.”

Which foods mold the fastest organic or non organic?

Organic foods mold faster, since non-organic foods are processed with artificial preservatives to make the food last longer.

What’s the difference between organic sugar and non-organic sugar?

The difference between organic sugar and non-organic sugar is the way in which it is farmed as well as their nutritional content.


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